Back in the saddle

Boca returned to agility this weekend, running at the NorCal Golden Retriever Kennel Club AKC agility trial in Santa Rosa.  She was short just over 150 points for Tulsa when she was bred in July and since the qualifying period ends Nov 30 we figured we'd give it a try.  While her conditioning isn't at top form and she has a few flappy appendages, she was certainly happy to return to the game!  She won her first class out of the gate (and several others) and QQd all 3 days! 

Dave also ran Cadence, QQing with her all 3 days as well and finishing her requirements for the NAC in Tulsa next March! Clearly Cadence is happy to work and get some attention for herself (those puppies sure are attention hogs!). 

In Texas Jody took on AKC herding and Buck earned his HT!  

Below are a couple videos of Boca and Cadence's runs thanks to Silvina Bruera of Agility in Motion!